Thursday, January 31, 2008

Case: Subject vs. Object

X The culprit, it turned out, was him.
O The culprit, it turned out, was he.

* When "who" introduces a subordinate clause, its case depends on its function in that clause.
X Give this work to whomever looks idle.
O Give this work to whoever looks idle.

X Virgil Soames is the candidate whom we think will win.
O Virgil Soames is the candidate who we think will win.

X Virgil Soames is the candidate who we hope to elect.
O Virgil Soames is the candidate whom we hope to elect.

* Gerunds take the possessive case. A present participle takes the objective case.

O Mother objected to our driving on the icy road.
O They heard him singing in the shower.

O do you mind me asking a question?
O do you mind my asking a question?

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