Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Chinese to English

I am trying to practice translating Chinese phrases into English. I welcome you to critique my translation, suggest a different translation, or give me a Chinese phrase to challenge me.

  • 海闊縱魚躍,天空任鳥飛
=> Let your mind be as wide as an ocean where fishes can jump at will; let your heart be as broad as the sky where birds can fly with no bound.

  • 從大處著眼,從小處著手
=> Plan with the big picture in mind, act from small steps.

  • 不入虎穴焉得虎子
=> Risk nothing, gain nothing.

  • 其急如風,其徐如林,侵掠如火,不動如山
=> Swift as wind, resourceful as forest, invade like fire, unmovable as mountains.

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