Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Lost in Translation

Translate the article "語意迷失的洄瀾" by Snowbird. The article can be found at

介紹“Lost In Translation” by Eva Hoffman
"Lost in Translation" by Eva Hoffman. It's an autobiography of a wanderer: a 13-year old Polish girl emigrated to Canada with her parents, then to America. Recalling her native language, comparing it to the new language, she reflected on the turmoils in her heart.

Eva 從小受到父母的呵護,不知道憂愁是什麼。1957年波蘭政府,准許波蘭境內的猶太人移居以色列。但Eva的父親夢想加拿大,花錢買通官員,全家移居加拿大。全書分成三部,第一部人間樂園: 作者回憶童年家居生活,小市鎮的人情文化,描寫流暢用字文雅,點點滴滴平凡自在,生活的樂園應該就是這樣。離別的日子近了,離情有誰能紓解呢?當她向心愛的鋼琴老師告別時,老師不捨的說:妳是一位心思細膩的少女,就像一棵精緻的植物需要呵護,不容易適應新的環境,妳將會遭受到被連根拔起的痛苦,適應的徬徨, 妳要學會保護自己。 這一席話拆穿了她偽裝的堅強,讓她淚流滿面, 她感受到從人間天堂被驅逐出去。故事進入第二部曲:放逐。
Brought up by doting parents, Eva had a carefree childhood. In 1957 Poland started to allow Polish Jews to emigrate to Israel. Eva's father bribed the authority to let them go to his dreamland, Canada, instead. The book has three sections. Section one is "The Paradise", where the author reminiscent her childhood and the friendly neighborhood of the little town. The little this and that of mundane everyday life flew smoothly in her graceful sentences. It made me wonder perhaps this was what happy life was made of. As the departure drew near her apprehension grew. She went to see her beloved piano teacher, who told her: "You are a sensitive girl. Like a delicate plant, you'll have a tough time adjusting to the new environment. You'll suffer the pain of being uprooted. You'll be lost in the dilemma of having to choose between your new and old worlds. You'll need to learn how to protect yourself." The parting words tore apart the facade of her poise and she broke down in tears--she felt she was being chased out of paradise. The story now goes to section two, "The Exodus."

Eva 認定她到了一個文化沙漠的國家:看到加拿大的曠野壯山大河,只感到眼睛刺痛心靈空虛;學英語,只是在記憶空洞的聲音,心裡懷念的是母語親切的含意,懊惱找不到一個達意的英語新字去描述她的感受。從小Eva對語言有特別的喜愛,波蘭語音調的起伏,除了親暱又有悠閒的空間讓她暇想;小時候,她時常沉浸在父母與朋友的夜談,在熱鬧氣氛中進入夢鄉:夢中,鄉音讓她微笑。為了不被同學排斥,模仿她們的穿著,臉上掛滿著笑容,應對著客套的寒暄,和同學嘻笑打成一片,卻時常警覺到她們憐憫的眼神,她失去了自在,處處是拘謹。另一方面,父親失去奮鬥的勇氣,憧憬的西方世界,並不是黃金滿地;對他們而言,生活是單調的重複,只求物質的不貧乏而已,父女兩代都徬徨在命運的十字路口。
Eva thought she arrived at a country that was a cultural desert. She saw the majestic mountains and waters, but felt only soreness to her eyes and emptiness of her soul. The sound of English was so empty, she missed the warmth of her mother tongue--the rhythm of Polish was so intimate and yet still leaves room for her imagination to roam. While a child she often fell asleep in the midst of her parents' hearty conversation with house guests. Now she would smile in her dreams where she heard the sound of her hometown. To get acceptance, she tried to dress like her friends, she wore smile on her face and chit chat politely, she mingled and frolicked with friends, but she was aware that people pitied her. She became self conscious. At the same time, her father lost the zest of life--the western world was not as rosy as he had fantasized. They were just trying to make do; they both felt lost at the cross street.

處在朋友之間她有太多的顧忌,變遷讓她早熟:看不慣同學的胡鬧卻勉為其難處在其間,有了煩惱迷失自己失去幽默。她警覺模仿偽裝建立的保護層,也是阻止她成長突破的束縛,她需要一個呼吸的空間顯露完整的自我,於是夜深時候,藉著一支筆在日記裡,她剖心開懷;經由文字,對英語,這個當初排斥的語言,有了間接的接觸感受到文化層面的交流,求知的欲望終於讓她茁壯,高中畢業時代表畢業生致詞。 此後,語言變成溝通的工具辯論的工具賴以為生的工具。大學時代,她時常在兩個世界裡掙扎,緊緊抓住根深的價值觀,捨不掉故鄉的懷念,放不開執著去擁抱新世界的刺激。對人情世故,政治時勢,甚至對美國中上等家庭生活的意識型態,都築一道牆,深怕一旦踏入這個生活圈,她會永遠改變自己。一直到大學執教幾年後的一個深夜,為了準備第二天的英語教材,她唸著 『The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock』,她欣喜聽到詩文裡的情緒,領會了詩的畫意,另一種『鄉音』在她的舌尖微笑。

She was very self conscious among friends; changes made her overly mature. She was not amused by her peers' banter, but tried hard to get along; she had lost her youthful playfulness. She was alert, she built a shield to protect herself. The shield constrained her in a cocoon. She needed a space to breath. Therefore, she chose to pick up a pen and spill her guts to her diary in deep nights. Through words, she ............


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not too bad at all, Ralphy. Keep going please, and thanks.
I thought the word "analyzed" is too cold a word to describe the emotion she had in her heart.
